May 17, 2012 @ 8:45 PM



Greetings,                                                                                                                                 May 16, 2012

Again, we are called into action to stretch out our hands and hearts to missions.  The CFCIC African Missions needs to raise $20,000 in order to complete two pending projects. 

First - to dig a well to supply water to the children at the school.  This action is necessary because a couple of weeks ago the "cook/cleaning woman" was ran over by motor bike while on her way to procure drinking water for the children at the school.

Second - we need to purchase a piece of property in order to begin our building project to erect the Secondary School (at least two classes to begin with).  Every year we transfer up to 40 children to another school because we cannot accommodate the graduating student (a loss to our school). It is our prayer and goal to maintain and prepare our student for college.

The well - $2000.00

The land - $5000.00

The first two classroom  - $10,000

Workmanship - $3000.00 (file the appropriate papers)

This campaign will last until the month of August 2012

Please be in prayer with us as we look to God to grant us favor.

Please send your donation to:  CFCIC Africa Missions – PO Box 75535, LA, Ca 90075

Always your servant in the Lord,


Apostle Noble, Founder/Organizer




Christians for Christ African Mission

Apostle Alfredo D Noble, PhD, Organizer

4517 S Figueroa St, PO Box 75535, LA, Ca 90075


Annual Souvenir Book Request Form

Proceeds to benefit our “Primary Nursery School



Name __________________________________________

Address ________________________________________

City______________________ State ______Zip_______

Phone _______________Email ____________________


Please reserve me the following space:

Inside Cover 200.00

(Front or Back)




Full Page @ 100.00




Half Page @ $ 75.00   




Quarter Page @ $50.00




Business Card @ 25.00




Patrons List @ $ 10.00




Photograph @ $ 10.00






        Total Order




Make check payable to CFCIC Africa